


Tokio Hotel is not an obsession that you just so happen to “grow” out of. Being a Tokio Hotel fan means once setting eyes on them, you know you’re never going to leave their side. Tokio Hotel is not a label consisting of 13 yr old emo wannabes, but a love for anyone, any age. Im personally proud to say im a Tokio Hotel fan. i’ve stuck by them no-matter what and i know that although ive had ups and downs with them, it actually made me love them more. You shouldnt be ashamed to have a great love for 4 hard-working german boys who stress enough over you to make you happy. I’ve had great adventures being a TH fan,from laughter to tears to just pure happiness. Being a TH fan doesnt mean you have to have every merch or poster ever made, being a TH fan means you’ll be there until the end. so fuck what others say and listen to your heart,because thats what TH caught..



You know, there are situations in life where you don’t really know how to carry on, and then it’s good to have a friend to lean on - but then you hear about a person who had no one, and you wish you could’ve been there to whisper in his ear “Believe in you, believe in life, believe in tomorrow..” 

I can’t imagine to live without Tom. Bill Kaulitz (MTV TRL Italy On The Road, July 16th 2010)

Best Friends...


One more thing I thought I'd share with someone special
I'm falling like I never fell before...
I shook your hand and you pulled it right away
You asked me to dance and instead I said, "No way"
Inside I was dyin to give it a try and you beg me so I stayed
I knew you were different from the way I caved



Pero Tom no paraba de mirarla y eso la ponía nerviosa. 
-No me mires así.
-¿Así cómo?-Dijo él sin entender.
-Pues así.

-Yo no te miro de ninguna manera.
-Sí que lo haces.


Ella se acercó y le dio un beso en los labios.
-¿Y esto?-Preguntó él.
-Te dije que había olvidado casi todo, pero quiero acordarme de esto.
Y volvió a besarlo.
El contacto se rompió demasiado pronto pero ella sonrió satisfecha.

-Buenas noches Tom, y no me mires así.-Dijo ella torciendo la cabeza en un gesto inocente.
Cerró la puerta en sus narices y corrió hacia su moto.

-¿Así cómo?-Dijo él sonriendo todavía embobado mientras escuchaba el motor acelerar mientras se perdia en aquella noche de verano.

by: Naughty

Every Time you Lie


Round & Round

Sex in a Limo

Make up


Mi primer foro, y vuestro primer foro en español sobre Kellan Lutz, el actor que da vida a Emmett Cullen en la Saga Twilight y que nos tiene totalmente enamoradas...

Tom Kaulitz... is his name.

I love you too


Demi Lovato

Tell me what your gonna do
I need you to light the fuse
Tell me what you've got to break down the walls
You just might need dynamite ! 

Just Breakaway

Chuck: Dance with me.
Blair: What's the point, Chuck. We're never going to be them. You said so, remember? It's not for us.
Chuck: Maybe. But I wouldn't change us. Not if it meant losing what we have.
Blair: And what do we have, Chuck? You tell me.
Chuck: Tonight. So shut up, and dance with me.
"Si tan solo pudiera hacerle ver que no veo las cosas como el lo hace, no es posible que un mundo que hace tantas maravillas sea tan malo".
Son jóvenes lectores que se escapan de las estadísticas, adolescentes a los que les apasiona leer. Creo que eso no tiene precio, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta las circunstancias actuales.